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- It has a 4 step filter system compared to most that have only 3.
- It releases 3 million ions to remove odors.
- It is extremely compact and yet packs a punch with power.
- It has a HEPA filter that removes 99% of particles and allergens.
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″ css=”.vc_custom_1489676442168{margin-top: 30px !important;background-color: #f4f4f4 !important;}”][vc_text_separator title=”CONS” color=”custom” style=”double” css=”.vc_custom_1489669644603{margin-bottom: 0px !important;padding-bottom: 0px !important;}” accent_color=”#0089bd”][vc_column_text]
- The unit can be ever so slightly noisy for some people.
- It can only cope with a room up to 50sq ft.
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column][vc_btn title=”Check on Amazon” shape=”square” color=”warning” align=”center” i_icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-amazon” button_block=”true” add_icon=”true” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2FhOmeLabs-Compact-Ionic-HEPA-Purifier%2Fdp%2FB0725X333J%3Ftag%3Dbequity06-20||target:%20_blank|rel:nofollow”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Trying to locate an air purifier that does an above average job of clearing the air of various allergens and microparticles is not as easy as you think. There are just so many out there on the market that all claim they are able to achieve wonderful results, but upon closer inspection you see that they are failing in the most vital areas.
This is hardly going to prove to be a useful purchase for those individuals that suffer from allergies that are caused by everyday occurrences such as dust or pollen in the air around your home leading to a great deal of discomfort. However, step forward the hOmelabs 3 in 1 Ionic Air Purifier as a potential solution to help clear those small rooms because the machine itself may be small but it certainly packs a pretty wonderful punch compared to other models on the market.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1489673572640{margin-bottom: 5px !important;padding-bottom: 0px !important;}”]
Features and Technology
[/vc_column_text][vc_separator color=”custom” align=”align_left” accent_color=”#4db2ec” css=”.vc_custom_1489670742960{margin-bottom: 2px !important;padding-bottom: 0px !important;}”][vc_separator color=”custom” align=”align_left” border_width=”3″ accent_color=”#4db2ec” css=”.vc_custom_1489670653691{margin-bottom: 4px !important;padding-bottom: 0px !important;}”][vc_separator color=”custom” align=”align_left” accent_color=”#4db2ec”][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1522943111226{padding-top: 2px !important;padding-right: 2px !important;padding-bottom: 2px !important;padding-left: 5px !important;background-color: #4db2ec !important;}”]
4-Stage Filtration Process
[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]This model comes with a 4 stage filtration process which is pretty impressive in its own right. Most other purifiers have only 3 stages, so the theory is that this air purifier is able to catch even more impurities providing you with fresher, and healthier air.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1522943155511{padding-left: 5px !important;background-color: #4db2ec !important;}”]
HEPA Filter Included
[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]The model also comes with a HEPA filter included, which means it is capable of catching up to 99% of all impurities, dust, pollen, bacteria, mold spores, smoke, odors and pet dander. This alone will make a significant difference to the air in your home and it will remove those allergens that are causing so many problems. Also, there is an activated carbon version included as well to make it easier to catch those odors.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1522943190989{padding-left: 5px !important;background-color: #4db2ec !important;}”]
Ion Booster
[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]The ion booster releases up to 3 million ions into the air at a time with this helping to purify the air and to boost the freshness that you then experience.
The main aim of these features is that they will catch things to as small as 0.3 microns and freshen the air in next to no time, and boy is it able to do just that.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1497962929863{margin-bottom: 5px !important;padding-bottom: 0px !important;}”]
Other Features of The Unit
[/vc_column_text][vc_separator color=”custom” align=”align_left” accent_color=”#4db2ec” css=”.vc_custom_1489670742960{margin-bottom: 2px !important;padding-bottom: 0px !important;}”][vc_separator color=”custom” align=”align_left” border_width=”3″ accent_color=”#4db2ec” css=”.vc_custom_1489670653691{margin-bottom: 4px !important;padding-bottom: 0px !important;}”][vc_separator color=”custom” align=”align_left” accent_color=”#4db2ec”][vc_column_text]An Improved Inlet
The model comes with a 360 degree inlet to improve air flow. By doing this, it performs better and removes those allergens quicker than before.
2 Speeds
With this, you have two speed selections to choose from depending on your needs. If you want things to be quieter, then simply use the lower speed setting.
Compact in Size
At only 7.5 inches tall, this version is compact and able to be placed anywhere in the home without taking up too much space. It is also able to clear the air in a room up to 50 square feet as it is specifically designed for those smaller rooms.
Warranty Options
Whenever you purchase the hOmelabs 3 in 1 Ionic Air Purifier, you get a 2 year warranty, and if something goes wrong then the postage is already paid for you. Also, they make a big point of there being actual human beings in their customer service rather than bots. If you sign up on their website after purchase, then you will also get an extra 6 months added to your warranty.[/vc_column_text][vc_video link=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pW_Mag06EMc”][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1489671900770{margin-bottom: 5px !important;padding-bottom: 0px !important;}”]
What is Wrong with the Product?
[/vc_column_text][vc_separator color=”custom” align=”align_left” accent_color=”#4db2ec” css=”.vc_custom_1489670742960{margin-bottom: 2px !important;padding-bottom: 0px !important;}”][vc_separator color=”custom” align=”align_left” border_width=”3″ accent_color=”#4db2ec” css=”.vc_custom_1489670653691{margin-bottom: 4px !important;padding-bottom: 0px !important;}”][vc_separator color=”custom” align=”align_left” accent_color=”#4db2ec”][vc_column_text]When you consider how cheap this unit is to purchase, you would be led into thinking that there would have to be a number of things wrong with the hOmelabs 3 in 1 Ionic Air Purifier because how could it be so cheap and yet work so well?
In the interest of fairness, we spent time searching for things that we believe could be wrong with the product to help you in your decision. To be honest, we have to really stretch our imagination and come up with things that are really not much of a problem just to say something here such as; maybe it could have been ever so slightly quieter than it is but that is clutching at straws. Also, perhaps it could have been changed to allow it to work in a slightly larger room, but once again that is just us trying to say something.
In other words, this air purifier is more than capable of holding its own against those models that are far more expensive than this which is pretty amazing when you think about it.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row css=”.vc_custom_1489672077258{padding-top: 20px !important;background-color: #f4f4f4 !important;}”][vc_column][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1489671976008{margin-bottom: 5px !important;padding-bottom: 0px !important;}”]
[/vc_column_text][vc_separator color=”custom” align=”align_left” accent_color=”#4db2ec” css=”.vc_custom_1489670742960{margin-bottom: 2px !important;padding-bottom: 0px !important;}”][vc_separator color=”custom” align=”align_left” border_width=”3″ accent_color=”#4db2ec” css=”.vc_custom_1489670653691{margin-bottom: 4px !important;padding-bottom: 0px !important;}”][vc_separator color=”custom” align=”align_left” accent_color=”#4db2ec”][vc_column_text]So, to conclude, we have to say that we were astonished with just how well this hOmelabs 3 in 1 Ionic Air Purifier works as we were guilty of not expecting much with something this small and inexpensive. Oh how we were wrong because this air purifier surpasses a number of them that were at a much higher price range.
Yes, it is best for a small room but the difference it makes to the air quality in that room is astonishing. Its ability to capture those microparticles is brilliant and the way in which it is able to freshen up the air and remove those odors will make you wonder why you waited to long to purchase this in the first place.
This air purifier represents superb value for money, and if you have never used an air purifier before and are wondering about the difference it can make with you being concerned about spending a lot of money to find out, then this is the answer that you have been seeking.[/vc_column_text][vc_btn title=”Check on Amazon” shape=”square” color=”warning” align=”center” i_icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-amazon” button_block=”true” add_icon=”true” link=”url:%2Fproduct%2FB0725X333J%2FUS%2Fbequity06-20%2F||target:%20_blank|rel:nofollow”][/vc_column][/vc_row]